13 To 1 - Ok You One Guy, You Win
So, the United Nations has voted AGAINST demanding an immediate ceasefire to end the bloodshed in Gaza.
On the face of it, if the world's umbrella, peace-seeking organisation said "No" then "No" it has to be. They must have weighed all the pros and cons and decided it was best for the world if there was no ceasefire.
Trouble is, that doesn't really tell the whole story. There were 13 VOTES IN FAVOUR OF THE CEASEFIRE, with just one abstention (guess fucking who?), but the motion got binned because JUST ONE FUCKING COUNTRY VOTED AGAINST! Yup, the U fucking S fucking A. Well done, you dipshits. Why? Well, the Yanks wouldn't be able to keep flogging the Israelis weapons if the fighting stopped, would they! Be realistic. Also, the Presidency might lose the Jewish vote if it sided with cessation against slaughter, despite, as I've said repeatefly, Zionism and Judaism are different! Trouble is, these idiots prompt anti-Semitic violence with their support of extreme and over the top Zionism.
We already knew the USA had become a basket case democracy because of Trump but this happened under Biden's leadership! Jesus H Christ! What a shitbucket that country's administrations have been lately.
So, it goes on. A world call for the carnage to stop is scuppered by just one country. The UN HAS to change its voting protocol. How about a bit of democracy?
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