Interesting alternative fact No. 12,879,537: Oxford University Press is not, in fact, based in Oxford. No, it appears it's actually based on Alpha Centauri or some other far-flung shithole (apologies to Centaurians).

The reason for this conclusion? Well, Oxford University Press has named its word of the year as.........rizz.

Couple of teeny problemettes with this:

1. Who the fuck, not off their tits on methadone or trapped in an edition of The Word, has ever heard this alleged word, let alone used it?

2. Why is OUP documenting every belch, grunt or vocal vomit of our current yoof?

Considering the current state of politics and living standards in this country, surely the actual "words of the year" should be either "fuck!", "shit!", "Jeez!" or "bastards!" Why then choose "rizz"? 

For the uninitiated - i.e. EVERYFUCKINGONE with opposable thumbs - "rizz" apparently means "style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner." Here's a thought. What's wrong with "style, charm, attractiveness or the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner"? I'll tell you what's wrong. They either involve syllables which are too long for the average member of the flower of our youth or, God forbid, they contain more than one syllable.

"Oh, but Reg, language evolves," I don't hear you ask. Yes, it certainly does evolve. What it shouldn't do is disintegrate! How long before OUP lists "words of the year" such as "nng", "ug", "blibble" and "phft"? Doubtless Amazon will be selling tree nests and flea-pickers by then.

God, I know it is probably too late, but if you're going to send help, send it NOW!


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