A Star In Their Stye.

Trust the 100 or so hard right loons among the Tory MPs in government to name their totally unrecognised or official cabal of supposed legal advisors the "Star Chamber".

It says SO much about these fanatics and how completely out of touch they are with reality in the UK.

The press has dubbed this gaggle of far right MPs "The Five Families" in a nod to the Mafia's running of New York. Ain't that apposite!

Back to Star Chamer. The original Court of Star Chamber was set up in the 15th Century - Jacob Rees-Mogg's vision for Britain where he and his pals think they do, or should, reside.

Also, the original Court was "used later on in its history as an instrument of oppression rather than for the purpose of justice for which it was intended." Ring any bells? If that ain't the aim and record of the Tory right then I don't know what is.

Surprisingly, this grandiose-sounding bag of donkey's doo-dahs has concluded Sunak's Rwanda Bill should be scrapped. Why? Because it's sick, unworkable and contravenes every international human rights law and treaty? Oh no! Because, they feel, it doesn't go far enough! Where are the executions in the Bill. Where is mention of asylum seekers being fired out of cannons? Why is there no mention of annexing the Sudetenland?

They want a new Bill which would allow ridiculously oppressive and banana republic-like actions while giving the Government the right to break international law.

As far as this bunch of right wing Tory nutters -  who effectively (sic) run this country - is concerned, I will borrow a line from the distant future, as Rees-Mogg sees it - the 17th Century:

As Cromwell told his Parliament: "It is not fit that you should sit here any longer. You have sat here too long for any good you have been doing lately … In the name of God go.“
