Ruth Perry. A Lovely Woman And Teacher. Rest In Peace.
This is so difficult to write because it is speaking of the dead and it will ruffle the feathers of teachers - the easiest of feathers to ruffle - but a sense of perspective IS needed. Tragically, head teacher Ruth Perry committed suicide after an Ofsted report downgraded her Caversham Primary School in Reading to "inadequate". As a journalist of 30 years standing I know that, in the wake of most deaths, somebody HAS to be to blame. Those deaths can't ever be treated as blameless, just a tragedy which happened. Grieving is a terrible process to have to undergo but, if you have a hook on which to hang all your emotions, finding a "culprit" makes that process easier. In Ruth's case, a coroner found that the offending Ofsted inspection "contributed" to her decision to take her own life. I believe every right-minded person would agree. How could they not? The key point is, was that inspection THE REASON for her death? The answer is "No". Ever...